
Friday 16 October 2020

Self portrait

So today I had to draw a self portrait of myself using lines dots and other body shapes
Hope you like my drawing KA KI TE ANO


Explaination on school


Sebastiao Salgado


What I would do on my first day as the Prime Minister Of NZ

         Prime Minister

My first thing I would change is everyone's Pay rise-40 Bucks an hour. Second thing I would change is the capital of NZ. Instead of Wellington being capital I would make Auckland capital. The third thing I would change is the houses. I would change all houses in auckland to nicer houses and leave all the other states with their same houses.


Wednesday 14 October 2020

Line graphs number 2


Line graph



 How to be a Good Son/Daughter


Title - What you will be explaining


Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.


Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence


Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.


How to be a Good Son/Daughter


Are you a good son or daughter? Some kids aren’t sure. In order to be a good son or daughter you need to be sure to listen, help out and be thankful. 


1st idea


One thing parents hate is when their kid doesn’t listen to them, and that doesn’t just mean hearing. Listening is when you look at your parents when they talk and actually process what they’re saying. Then once you’ve processed what they’ve said, actually go and do it.


2nd idea

Help Out 

Parents love it when they’re kids are helpful around the house. Especially when you do it without being asked. Try little things, like washing the dishes or even just bringing in the groceries and it’ll make things a lot easier for your parents. Helping around truly has its advantages.


3rd idea

Be Thankful 

Your parents do a lot for you. They feed you, clothe you, put a roof over your heads. That’s just a tiny portion of how much love your parents put into you. So say thank you and show it through your actions. Maybe even give your parents a massage when they come home from work, or give them breakfast in bed in the morning. Your parents want to feel loved and appreciated too.


So now that you’ve read my story about “Role Models” are you strong, powerful and motivational enough to be a good role model? Everyone has the strength to be a role model. So use your strength and become a better role model then you already are!


  1. Highlight the three information paragraphs using the SEE model

    1. Highlight the Statements Blue

    2. Highlight the Explanations Green

    3. Highlight the Examples Pink 

  2. Click here to open the final copy document

    1. Copy and past each section of the rough draft onto the final copy document

    2. Highlight the descriptive words for each paragraph Yellow.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Art Alive

So what happen today was we were learning about an artist called George Seurat. Since we are learning about art this week we decided to do this. Hope you guys like my work and hope yous enjoy. KA KI TE ANO


So today we were doing a explanation on what issues are going on in country. I did my on culture Tonga and here is my explanation.